Interaction Night Market Scavenger Hunt
Eat, sing and photograph your way through our night market for a chance to win some awesome prizes
1. Each team must contain 4 people
2. Each challenge requires an Instagram story to be posted with the @mention and #tag. You will get an extra 2 points by also including @HiDefBrewingDTLA and @LosAngelesFunEvents in each story as well
3. Use a single instagram account from one group member to complete each challenge
4. You do not have to complete every challenge, but will get points only for those completed.
5. Come check in with the Los Angeles Fun Events booth by 9PM to be counted – we will have three winning teams (….with awesome prizes!!)
Ready? Let’s Go!!
1. The Rat Pack is Back! (2 Points)
Head on over to Stacey’s Bistro and take a peak at their menu – Can you think of any of their songs? Great! now we need you to record your team singing – don’t be shy!
If you serenade the Stacey’s crew with “Fly Me to the Moon” – you’ll even get $2.00 off your order!
Tag: @staceysbistro
2. Nailed It! (2 Points)
Head over to Basic Nailcessities, find Katharine and ask her if she knows Grogu– you will be presented with some super, special nails. Take a photo (just, please be careful with them!)
Tag: @BasicNailcessities
3. The Elixir of Life. (2 Points)
Make your way over to Illumination Living Foods and say that you are there for “The Elixir of Life” – take a video saying “cheers to good health”
Tag: @illuminationfoods
4. The Chamoy Challenge. (2 Points)
Head over to the Los Bolos Gummies stand and film someone from your team eating a spicy bite!
Tag: @los.bolos01
5. A Toast to the Green Wall. (2 Points)
Cheers! You made it to the end! Grab a flight with your team and capture a team toast in front of the Green Wall! Bonus point for every additional person you can talk into joining the photo!
Tag: @hidefbrewingdtla
6. Moms Love Earrings. (2 Points)
Check out Handmade by Lynds – Now’s your chance to go shopping for Mom (or another mother-figure in your life) – find a cute set, snap a photo and tag someone’s mother!
Tag: @handmadebylynds
7. This. Sick. Beat. (2 Points)
Shoutout to DJ Izzy – go check out the sounds he’s spinning. Take a video of your team rocking out and maybe even showing off a move or two. Bonus points for every additional person you get to join the party!
Tag: @Latinopartyproductions
8. You’re Making Me Glazy! (2 Points)
Next, make your way over to Layers Donuts! Grab yourself a donut and tag a friend who didn’t make it out tonight. Are they….jelly?
9. Burger Bites (2 Points)
Head on over to our burger vendor Charburgers – Anyone feeling hungry? We need one of you to capture that first, flavor-packed burger bite!
Tag: @rf_Charburgers
10. Nada Like This Empanada. (2 Points)
Pure delicious, little pockets of goodness-- what’s not to love? Film your team in front of Pierated LA’s Empanadas saying “nada like this empanada!”
Tag: @Pierated.LA
11. Aesthetic (2 Points)
What art inspires you? Head over to Boom Cookie to check out Valerie Hildreth’s iconic works – some of which are inspired by anime like Naruto – take a selfie with the artist and some of her work!
Tag: BoomCookie
12. Style. Fashion. Work it, Baby! (2 Points)
Go take a peek at Bombay Satire’s Clothing rack! Snap a photo of some of your favorite looks and tag you’re most stylish friend!
Tag: Bombay_Satire
13. Don’t Knock it ‘Til You Try It (2 Points)
Record yourself moving one Jenga block! Minus one point if you knock the tower over!!
Tag: LosAngelesFunEvents
14. Get On With the Show! (2 Points)
Don’t miss out on Handsup Gallery’s Live Art show! Record a short video!
Tag: HandsUpGallery